Most people want to manifest things - money, success, material possessions, a partner, eternal happiness, health and prosperity. A few questions everyone should to start with:

  1. What is it that wants these things?

  2. Why does it want these things?

  3. What happens if it gets these things?

The human ego (in its conditioned state) wants these things because it thinks it/they will bring happiness, however, once it gets these things the happiness will eventually give way to more wanting and so the cycle never ends.

What if there was a way to end the cycle of wanting? What if there was a way to happiness that was not contingent on money, a person, a job or a possession.

Well there is, but it is important to understand that there are two agenda’s at play, the egoic agenda (conscious manifestation) and the spiritual agenda (unconscious manifestation). There is a way, as I will talk about, to combine the two.

The egoic agenda needs something else to make it happy.

The spiritual agenda wants to heal you, it wants to make you whole, it wants to let your unique talents and gifts flow through in this world so that you can become an instrument to help heal the world. The spiritual agenda houses everything you need to grow. Your happiness as a result is not based on any person, place or thing. Can you imagine that? This doesn’t mean you stay in unhealthy situations or that you check out of life.  You KNOW from a deeper place when things and people and places are right for you and when they aren’t. You know when your wants are devoid of ego and when they aren’t.

The egoic agenda doesn’t like the spiritual agenda. It knows how powerful the spiritual agenda is and so it tries, most often very effectively, to hide the spiritual agenda. Once you become aware of the spiritual agenda it is harder for the ego to operate. But, it will still operate and there may be periods of the ego running the show followed by periods of spirit running the show. It can be quite a roller coaster for you and especially for those around you. The spiritual agenda is far more powerful and is far more REAL. The egoic agenda is actually quite fragile. So why doesn’t the spiritual agenda just come in and save the day? Well, there is some degree of free will involved and the spiritual agenda doesn’t often come into play until the timing is right.


It will not necessarily make your life better. It may actually cause your relationships to fall apart, for your career to come unhinged, for your finances to fall apart, for your health to falter.  All of which seem to be the opposite of what you read about manifestation. I can almost always tell when someone is getting rocked by the spiritual agenda. If there is an important lesson for you or if your life is severely out of balance, the spiritual agenda will come in. It can sometimes come in a subtle way, sometimes it will slowly ramp up the intensity,  sometimes it will come in and rock you. Usually it is a process, sometimes over lifetimes. 

A few things can happen when you are presented with a lesson orchestrated by the spiritual agenda?

  1. You accept and embrace the experience on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally and of course spiritually. This may be very difficult, but as you do so, the emotions that need to move through your systems will do so. This usually means you learned the lesson and you will likely move on with a new outlook on life (until the next lesson).

  2. You don’t learn the lesson. It may or may not repeat in this life.

Learning the lesson doesn’t mean you are free from the ego. It just means you are ready for the next lesson. Very often you will go through a period where the ego is kind of dormant and things seem to flow, but later you will see that it comes back. Even worse,  it can sometimes come back disguised as the spiritual agenda. People become aware of some spiritual layers and adopt spiritual personas as healers, gurus, manifestation specialists, etc. So discernment is important. I only write about things I have experiences with and I have fallen many times.

So what about people who seem to have it all? Do they? Is it a social media persona? Have they made a “deal” so to speak? Do they have a different karmic footprint? Each person’s path is unique and different based on karma, past lives, life experiences and level of soul embodiment. So, you can really only focus on your own path, which is quite hard given the presence of social media.


  1. The type who has no idea any of this is going on and are just living day to day life. 

  2. The people who learn about manifestation and want to manifest circumstances in their lives. This is largely the egoic agenda.

  3. The people are actively engaged in the healing process that is taking place in their own beings and who want to bring to light the unconscious patterns that are steering their lives. They want to start consciously manifesting the life that will enable their unique talents to show. That last point is critical because you are still a human who has goals, aspirations and life responsibilities. I have seen people, including myself, use spirituality to check out of life. 

  4. The people who are completely free of any conditioned egoic involvement. You don’t need anything or anyone to complete you. I only know 1 person who is here and it is NOT Me, although I have had moments.

Conscious manifestation is when you try to manifest something for yourself. You think that this thing, in this case money, will help bring you happiness. This is usually rooted in some form of trauma that occurred as a child. For instance, you want money, but your parents had a terrible relationship with money. Either they had money and mismanaged it which caused you to think money was to be feared or they talked about people with money in a way that made you think they were shitty people or they instilled a lack mentality in you by always looking for discounts or driving home the idea that people like “us” will never have wealth or they adopted a spiritual persona whereby they turned money into a bad thing and the root of all evil so to speak. There are many ways this can show up. So until you consciously make an effort to heal these belief systems you will never have an amount of money that will make you happy. These belief systems are unconscious until you start illuminating them with psycho-spiritual healing work. So, all along you were unconsciously afraid of money and so you will never have it. One day, you realize your blunder and begin to unwind your belief systems around money and money may start flowing to you again, but your happiness is not contingent on money. The spiritual agenda will help you bring the unconscious to the conscious mind. It will help you have certain realizations but only when you are ready and willing to have them.

Let me end by telling you my favorite manifestation story. So, I lost my potato peeler. I would often find myself being careless with my peeler and more than one time I would throw it away with the peels. One day I decided I would survive without one and so I was attempting to peel things with a small paring knife, which is a nice exercise but a bit arduous. Anyway, one day I received a package in the mail from a seller on ebay. It was something that I had ordered and totally unrelated to the kitchen. In the box was the item I ordered and beneath it was a potato peeler. Not even a new potato peeler, it was used.  This turned out to be the best peeler I have ever had and it is going strong now for over 2 years. I was delighted that the universe provided for me.